For Busy Women Seeing Their Body & Energy Shift...


This brand new FREE guide reveals how 2500+ busy women over 40 double their energy & drop stubborn body fat WITHOUT another diet.

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Peri Menopause
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What We Will Cover:

  • The Natural Hormonal Change: This SHIFT requires a specific adjustment to how we eat to stay lean and full of energy over 40.
  • Four Key Hormones: Discover how these key shifts in hormones actually lead to weight gain and low energy.
  • The 3 Tweaks You Need To Make: Make these small adjustments to manage the hormonal shifts without feeling like you're fighting against you body.

Here is the 5-Day Breakdown

Day 1

Tiny Habits

The 4 key habits that have catapulted the results of hundreds of our clients with these simple, sustainable steps you can implement TODAY!

Day 2

The Hidden Health Anchor

Discover the hidden health anchor embedded into so many foods causing you to feel sluggish, tired and unable to drop weight no matter how much you try!

Day 3

Rethink Motivation

A look behind the curtain at what makes the top athletes and business professionals show up at their best, consistently.

Day 4


A unique tool to maximise metabolic rate, strength and confidence in any exercise you do that only takes 5mins.

Day 5

Lasting Change

We saved the best for last! Exactly how we create lasting change so this doesn't become another "quick fix" leaving you more confused than when you started.

Here's What Other Women Are Saying...

Disclaimer: These results will vary depending on the individual.

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